Chairman’s January BID Update
Dear Partner,
Firstly can I wish you all a Happy New Year?
I wanted to write to you to explain what has been going on since the successful BID vote in November.
As you are aware the Sidcup Partners Business Improvement District will not come into effect until 1st April. Bills will be sent out to all businesses on Monday 20th March with an instalment date of Monday 10th April.
Following the BID vote the team have been very busy planning and organising to ensure a smooth as possible start.
The set-up requirements of Sidcup Partners Ltd is the same as for any small business a bank account , accountant , VAT registration etc. in addition to a raft of policy documents to cover Procurement , Health and Safety, Freedom of Information etc. just to name a few.
To help with the administration I have agreed with Bexley Council that they will continue to support Sidcup BID until the 1st April. During the canvassing for the BID several Businesses expressed an interest in taking an active part in the day to day running of the company.
As these businesses had already stated they wanted to be involved I approached them to ask if they wanted to be a member of the board, 20 businesses have agreed and we now have a good representation from all sectors. This Board will remain in place until the AGM in March 2018 when formal voting will take place.
So what we have done so far……
Board Meeting
Our first board meeting took place and a project plan was presented and agreed it detailed what needed to be done over the next three months.
I have had businesses expressing concerns about the works currently been done by the Conway contractors. I arranged to see the supervisor and spoke direct to the council. Weekly meetings have now been set up to review the progress and a new supervisor has been appointed. Apparently there has been an issue with the very cold weather delaying the work as the concrete mix can’t be laid below a certain temperature!!
Job Advert
An advert had been placed on the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) and the British BIDs Web site for a BID Manager. These sites were chosen as organisations that are industry leaders and we wanted to ensure a good response.
Bexley Business Awards
I was invited to the evening launch of the Bexley Business Awards and it would be great to see Sidcup businesses enter this prestigious event, please see the link
Anti-social behaviour
Following some very upsetting incidents including an assault on the McDonalds manager and the issues under the Morrisons car park I have arranged meetings with the Police and the anti-social behaviour teams at the council .Following this meeting representatives from recently effected businesses have been invited to subsequent meetings with the police. The increase in anti-social behaviour is being taken very seriously and we are investigating the possibility of introducing a radio scheme for the town so business can communicate to each other.
It was bought to my attention that a bin had been dumped in Lamborey pond, the rubbish is not only unsightly but could affect wild life. This incident has been reported and is being dealt with.
Tenders have been sent out to three local businesses to provide a new Town Centre Web site that will include free listing for all businesses and the facility to link to your own web site.
Floral displays
Tenders have been sent out for the supply of hanging baskets for the late Spring to help brighten up the town.
Christmas Lights
We are looking at the installation of the infrastructure so we can extend Christmas lights to Station Road.
I am determined to try my utmost to ensure that the Sidcup BID will make a really positive difference to everyone in the BID area and that all businesses will see the benefits.
Please contact me if you have any issues or good news stories. I know that St Johns Pharmacy won an award for outstanding customer Service, so well done to them.
My contact details are:
Sue Petty
1 Elm Parade
Main Road Sidcup
Kent DA14 6NF
Tel: 0208 302 7711
Mobile: 07946 338 734
Sue Petty